There are so many reasons why having a good smile is important. From projecting confidence to business clients to giving a great first impression to everyone you meet, a beautiful smile can change your life. In fact, 24% of Americans say that what they remember most about someone after meeting them is their teeth. Today, let’s talk about some cosmetic treatments we offer here at Breckenridge Dental and how they help you achieve a better, brighter smile!
Veneers are a great solution if you have multiple problems with your teeth. If you struggle with chips, stains, crooked, and/or gapped teeth, veneers are a way to correct all of these issues at once. Veneers are thin porcelain coverings that are bonded to the teeth and give the appearance of a perfect, straight, white smile. Another plus side of veneers is that they do not stain as easily as real teeth.
Teeth Whitening removes stains and makes your teeth look years younger. Teeth whitening is a simple, effective treatment for teeth that have experienced the effects of aging such as yellowing and discoloration. The consumption of red wine, coffee, tobacco, and tea is known to cause teeth to yellow over time, but luckily there is a solution that will give you a brighter, whiter smile in no time!
Bonding is a simple way to correct minor imperfections such as chipped, stained, or gapped teeth. It works by painting teeth-colored resin over the surface of your teeth and sanding it down to perfectly fit your teeth. This treatment is perfect for patients who are looking for a subtle, yet powerful improvement but don’t wish to do anything drastic.
So, if you are wanting to improve your teeth in the new year and invest in yourself, these are all great ways to look and feel better! If you are curious about any of these treatments and would like to learn more, don’t hesitate to contact the team at Breckenridge Dental!